Online Specialist Referral Letter
(any specialty)
Our specialist service (online specialist referral letter service) allows you to receive a specialist referral letter from an Australian Medical Board-certified doctor, without leaving home and if a referral is issued we can email you the referral letter immediately following the consultation.
Consult a Doctor/GP any day by phone or video from anywhere.
(Fully qualified and Australian Medical Board-certified Doctors)
Psychologists, Dietitians, Podiatrists, Physiotherapists are available by phone/video.
Referral to Specialists and allied health of any specialty.
Using our online specialist referral service, you can always choose the individual specialist health practitioner you want to be referred to or you can ask your doctor to recommend someone and have a referral emailed to them for a range of specialist services.
A specialist referral is a formal and written request from one health practitioner to another health practitioner or health service that asks them to diagnose or treat you for a particular condition. A referral also indicates the test or consultation that is clinically necessary.
You may need a referral to see a registered specialist or allied health practitioner – if you take services of a Specialist/Allied Health practitioner without a referral, Medicare will not cover any of your costs.
Any of National Telemedicine Doctors’ GPs are able to write referrals for you – some specialists will not see you without a referral.
The following health practitioners including allied health professionals are currently working through National Telemedicine Doctor’s platform –
offering services through our platform
Referral Services
(any specialty)
General Practitioners (GPs) | Specialist Referrals |
Clinical Psychologists | Allied Health Referrals |
General Psychologists | Pathology Referrals |
Dietitians | Radiology Referrals |
Physiotherapists | |
Podiatrists |
Click here or on the links above to access detailed information about all the common types of services offered at National Telemedicine Doctors.

What does a referral do for you?
A referral provides information regarding you and any health-related issues you may have so that:
- the health care provider you have been referred to is aware of any pertinent background history—both of yourself and your family (if necessary);
- they do not have to go through with the same questions you’ve already answered;
- they know why you’ve been referred to them, and for what treatment.
When your health care professional or doctor writes up your referral, they provide the specialist with as much information as they think is needed. After the specialist has seen you, they will send their findings, such as a recommended course of treatment, to your referring doctor or health professional.
Throughout the whole process, your medical information is kept confidential and private. If you do have any concerns or questions about how your information is used, speak with your referring health care practitioner or doctor.
Referrals have a lifespan
When you get a referral from your GP to see a specialist, the referral lasts 12 months. A referral from one specialist to another lasts 3 months unless the patient is admitted to hospital. For chronic conditions which require ongoing treatment, it is possible to get a recurring referral.
When I need a referral and how to get one?
You may require a referral from your health care professional if you need:
- treatment that your current health care professional can’t provide;
- a certain investigation or test;
- the expertise or opinion of another health care professional;
- to use pathology services such as blood tests;
- to get diagnostic imaging services such as MRIs, x-rays, and CT scans;
- to see a specialist.
Some specialists will see you without a referral and some might not. Also, Medicare benefits will not be payable if you visit a specialist without a referral.
Your general practitioner or doctor can write a referral for you if you need one. If you have no particular specialist in mind, you can ask your doctor to recommend someone or you can always choose the individual specialist you want to be referred to. You will probably need to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the specifics of what you need, especially if you choose a particular specialist you want to be referred to and if you want (or need) certain information on the referral form. Your regular GP might be happy to provide you a referral without seeing you in person if they know you well.
Doctors, Dentists and certain allied health professionals like nurses, psychologists, midwives, osteopaths and physiotherapists can write referrals. There are certain tests and services which can only be requested by specific specialists – diagnostic imaging services (like some MRIs), as an example.
A second opinion on the treatment you’ve been recommended
A second opinion is good if you are unsure of the diagnosis you have been given or, if you want to see if there are other treatment options available.
Want to read more about related information?
How online specialist referral service works at National Telemedicine Doctors
The following list of medical specialties, related specialist titles, and fields of specialty practice were approved by the COAG (Council of Australian Governments) Health Council in 2018 in accordance with the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law as in force in each state and territory in Australia with approval effective from 01 Jun 2018. This list below is for patients’ convenience only – these specialists are not currently working directly through our platform but any General Practitioner at out practice can write a specialist referral letter for you if you need to see a specialist health practitioner of any specialty listed below. If you see a specialist health practitioner without a referral, Medicare will not cover any of your costs.
Specialty | Fields of specialty practice | Specialist titles |
Addiction medicine | — | Specialist in addiction medicine |
Anaesthesia | — | Specialist anaesthetist |
Dermatology | — | Specialist dermatologist |
Emergency medicine | — | Specialist emergency physician |
Paediatric emergency medicine | Specialist paediatric emergency physician | |
General practice | — | Specialist general practitioner |
Intensive care medicine | — | Specialist intensive care physician |
Paediatric intensive care medicine | Specialist paediatric intensive care physician | |
Medical administration | — | Specialist medical administrator |
Obstetrics and gynaecology | — | Specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist |
Gynaecological oncology | Specialist gynaecological oncologist | |
Maternal–fetal medicine | Specialist in maternal–fetal medicine | |
Obstetrics and gynaecological ultrasound | Specialist in obstetrics and gynaecological ultrasound | |
Reproductive endocrinology and infertility | Specialist in reproductive endocrinology and infertility | |
Urogynaecology | Specialist urogynaecologist | |
Occupational and Environmental medicine | — | Specialist occupational and environmental physician |
Ophthalmology | — | Specialist ophthalmologist |
Paediatrics and child health | — | Specialist paediatrician |
Clinical genetics | Specialist paediatric clinical geneticist | |
Community child health | Specialist in community child health | |
Community child health | Specialist in community child health | |
General paediatrics | Specialist general paediatrician | |
Neonatal and perinatal medicine | Specialist neonatologist | |
Paediatric cardiology | Specialist paediatric cardiologist | |
Paediatric clinical pharmacology | Specialist paediatric clinical pharmacologist | |
Paediatric emergency medicine | Specialist paediatric emergency physician | |
Paediatric endocrinology | Specialist paediatric endocrinologist | |
Paediatric gastroenterology and hepatology | Specialist paediatric gastroenterologist and hepatologist | |
Paediatric haematology | Specialist paediatric haematologist | |
Paediatric immunology and allergy | Specialist paediatric immunologist and allergist | |
Paediatric infectious diseases | Specialist paediatric infectious diseases physician | |
Paediatric intensive care medicine | Specialist paediatric intensive care physician | |
Paediatric medical oncology | Specialist paediatric medical oncologist | |
Paediatric nephrology | Specialist paediatric nephrologist | |
Paediatric neurology | Specialist paediatric neurologist | |
Paediatric nuclear medicine | Specialist paediatric nuclear medicine physician | |
Paediatric palliative medicine | Specialist paediatric palliative medicine physician | |
Paediatric rehabilitation medicine | Specialist paediatric rehabilitation physician | |
Paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine | Specialist paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine physician | |
Paediatric rheumatology | Specialist paediatric rheumatologist | |
Pain medicine | — | Specialist pain medicine physician |
Palliative medicine | — | Specialist palliative medicine physician |
Palliative medicine | — | Specialist palliative medicine physician |
Pathology | — | Specialist pathologist |
General pathology | Specialist general pathologist | |
Anatomical pathology (including cytopathology) | Specialist anatomical pathologist | |
Chemical pathology | Specialist chemical pathologist | |
Haematology | Specialist haematologist | |
Immunology | Specialist immunologist | |
Microbiology | Specialist microbiologist | |
Forensic pathology | Specialist forensic pathologist | |
Physician | — | Specialist physician |
Cardiology | Specialist cardiologist | |
Clinical genetics | Specialist clinical geneticist | |
Clinical pharmacology | Specialist clinical pharmacologist | |
Endocrinology | Specialist endocrinologist | |
Gastroenterology and hepatology | Specialist gastroenterologist and hepatologist | |
General medicine | Specialist general physician | |
Geriatric medicine | Specialist geriatrician | |
Haematology | Specialist haematologist | |
Immunology and allergy | Specialist immunologist and allergist | |
Infectious diseases | Specialist infectious diseases physician | |
Medical oncology | Specialist medical oncologist | |
Nephrology | Specialist nephrologist | |
Neurology | Specialist neurologist | |
Nuclear medicine | Specialist nuclear medicine physician | |
Respiratory and sleep medicine | Specialist respiratory and sleep medicine physician | |
Rheumatology | Specialist rheumatologist | |
Psychiatry | — | Specialist psychiatrist |
Public health medicine | — | Specialist public health physician |
Radiation oncology | — | Specialist radiation oncologist |
Radiology | Diagnostic radiology | Specialist radiologist |
Diagnostic ultrasound | Specialist radiologist | |
Nuclear medicine | Specialist in nuclear medicine | |
Rehabilitation medicine | — | Specialist rehabilitation physician |
Sexual health medicine | — | Specialist sexual health physician |
Sport and exercise medicine | — | Specialist sport and exercise physician |
Surgery | — | Specialist surgeon |
Cardio-thoracic surgery | Specialist cardio-thoracic surgeon | |
General surgery | Specialist general surgeon | |
Neurosurgery | Specialist neurosurgeon | |
Orthopaedic surgery | Specialist orthopaedic surgeon | |
Otolaryngology – head and neck surgery | Specialist otolaryngologist – head and neck surgeon | |
Oral and maxillofacial surgery | Specialist oral and maxillofacial surgeon | |
Paediatric surgery | Specialist paediatric surgeon | |
Plastic surgery | Specialist plastic surgeon | |
Urology | Specialist urologist | |
Vascular surgery | Specialist vascular surgeon |
Source: Medical Board of Australia
Stay home if you feel unwell, have a fever, cough or experience difficulty breathing to protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections to others. Telehealth can help during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you can’t leave home during the coronavirus outbreak you can still consult a qualified Australian-registered general practitioner, by using the National Telemedicine Doctors online platform.