What does a physiotherapist do for you?
Physiotherapists help people by diagnosing, management, and preventing movement disorders. This includes any movement-related disorders caused by illness, disability, or injury.
Consult a Doctor/GP any day by phone or video from anywhere.
(Fully qualified and Australian Medical Board-certified Doctors)
Psychologists, Dietitians, Podiatrists, Physiotherapists are available by phone/video.
Referral to Specialists and allied health of any specialty.
It’s a little-known fact that physios also work with stroke victims, premature babies, incontinent women and people who suffer from conditions such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and Parkinson’s disease.
Do I need a referral?
You do not need a referral to see a Physiotherapist. But, if you take services of a Specialist/Allied Health practitioner including Physiotherapists without a referral, Medicare will not cover any of your costs. Any General Practitioner can write a referral for you if you need a referral to a Specialist/Allied Health practitioner including Physiotherapists.
How do physiotherapists treat patients?
Physiotherapists use a combination of manual therapy, physical and electrophysical agents and movement training, amongst other drug-free techniques, to restore movement and function as well as relieve pain. These techniques can also help to prevent other problems from happening.
Treatment and treatment plans offered by physiotherapists have all been rigorously tested and thoroughly researched. So, you can rest assured their suggestions are all geared towards getting you heathy and well again.
A physio will treat you when you see them, and they also provide an at-home exercise plan to help you recover faster, which is tailored to suit your body’s specific individual needs. Following the at-home exercise plan can help prevent further problems from occurring or from the same injury reoccurring.
Treatments physios offer:
Physiotherapists often work as part of a multidisciplinary team who help get your body back on track as fast as possible. Some treatments they provide include:
- dry needling and soft tissue massage to provide pain relief;
- manipulating, stretching, and mobilising stiff or frozen joints;
- Pilates-based routines and other similar core stability training;
- protecting hypermobile or injured joints with bracing or taping;
- ergonomic advice and postural correction for work stations;
- Prescription of injury specific at-home exercise, and gym programs for self-managed recovery.
Aside from providing patients with treatment, physiotherapists are also involved in education, research, administration and consultation. Physiotherapy can be the primary care treatment for certain injuries or, it can be provided as part of a comprehensive care plan.
National Telemedicine Doctors is a telehealth practice and physiotherapists at this practice offer consultations to patients remotely by phone or video and offer only those services that can be offered without an in-person consultation. During your consultation your National Telemedicine health practitioner will advise you if a face-to-face consultation with a health practitioner is required.

Using National Telemedicine Doctor’s telehealth platform, you can now consult an Australian Medical Board-certified doctor/health practitioner any day by phone or video in the comfort of our own home or office – a consultation with National Telemedicine Doctors is an effective and convenient alternative, when a face-to-face consultation is not possible. During your consultation your National Telemedicine Doctor/health practitioner will advise you if an in-person visit to a health practitioner is required.
Telehealth can treat more than you can imagine. The following health practitioners including physiotherapists are currently working through National Telemedicine Doctor’s platform –
offering services through our platform
Referral Services
(any specialty)
Physiotherapists | Specialist Referrals |
Clinical Psychologists | Allied Health Referrals |
General Psychologists | Pathology Referrals |
General Practitioners (GPs) | Radiology Referrals |
Dietitians | |
Podiatrists |
Click here or on the links above to access detailed information about all the common types of services offered at National Telemedicine Doctors.
Stay home if you feel unwell, have a fever, cough or experience difficulty breathing to protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections to others. Telehealth can help during the COVID-19 outbreak. If you can’t leave home during the coronavirus outbreak you can still consult a qualified Australian-registered general practitioner, by using the National Telemedicine Doctors online platform.